"Planet X" is a sci-fi fantasy adventure that re-imagines Earth's ancient history, revealing that humanity's origins lie with an advanced alien race from the mysterious Planet X, also known as Islandia. The story follows Adam Sinclair, a controversial historian, who uncovers the secrets of the Sumerian Tablets discovered in 1849, which detail the existence of this alien race and their complex society. Planet X is a unique world divided into distinct regions with vastly different climates and civilizations. The planet is drawn closer to its hyper-velocity star, NUN, causing environmental chaos and threatening its inhabitants. The planet's power structure is centered on the Royal Family, where a bitter rivalry between brothers Prince Enkil and Cassius unfolds. The stakes escalate as King Izisis of the Ice World conspires to overthrow King Anu and take control of the Elixir, a substance granting longevity and supernatural powers. As the planet faces extinction, its inhabitants struggle with their impending doom, their only hope lying in the exploitation of Earth's resources. The narrative weaves through epic battles, treacherous alliances, and inter-dimensional journeys, exploring themes of power, technology, and the dark seduction of immortality. With a complex story line reminiscent of "Star Wars," "Game of Thrones," and "The Godfather," "Planet X" promises a dark and thrilling exploration of a forgotten cosmic saga.
Amidst an intergalactic power struggle, Planet X’s warring kingdoms fight for control over the life-extending “Elixir” as King...